Saturday, 20 March 2010

Album Artwork inspiration!!

For our course work we need to create a CD Cover. To help use get some ideas I decided to look at some album covers for some big music artists because I thought it would help with the inspiration for out cover for Lil D. Here are some CD Cover and my comments :)

I like this KOL album artwork because it is very different to most of the ones usually used. It kinda makes me think different thought every time I look at it.

Gwen Stefani's album cover is very different because it uses almost the same colours and it blends them and also makes them look all smudged and it all seems as one design and it takes a second glance to actually notice the dancers in the background which makes the CD cover more intriguing.

Lily Allens CD cover follows the normal conventions of CD cover by having the artist on the cover with the album name. This however changes the whole perspective of the norm because everything else on the album cover is dull and her body colour is then more vivid making it more eye catching.

I think these album cover are very useful to the inspiration of out cover for Lil D because it they all are different from the norm and this has always being out idea for the coursework making it different from what people usually expect to see.

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