Remix culture is a term employed by copyright activists to describe a society which allows and encourages work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization.
Remix video’s are becoming more popular and showing up on the internet. With the help of web 2.0 viewers are able to create their versions of different videos. The perfect example is when people remix homemade videos to make them even more funnier.
The image above is a print screen of a search on you tube to find remix videos. The image only shows 20 results of millions available on the website.
Media literacy and Remix culture are becoming more common with less and less people viewing television and resorting to using the internet to get all the forms of media in one place. Media literacy is the art of sending information across a group of people (consumers) using all possible forms of media like reading, writing, listening and video. The Remix culture is when people make their own takes of certain videos using the same material and the using dubbing or text to change the message that is being conveyed across.
the link is a video to our group video video remix. the video consists of two videos one is a science video and the other one is the Rick Ashley video.
What on earth were you doing up at 3.50am, Ngoni. You won't grow without sleep! ;-)) Just a suiggestion, when you mention things like sound, say what use non-diagetic sound was put to. Your comments show a good level of understanding; try to be more analytical now. Nice blog. I want some pictures to look at!
How does your research relate specifically in term sof the macro elemetns and micro elements of trailers, Ngoni?
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